Full 33 grams of luxurious jelly beauty serum, adding multiple moisturizing ingredients such as rose essence, hyaluronic acid, collagen, royal jelly, etc., deeply penetrates into the muscle base to replenish moisture and nutrients, and improves dryness, roughness, dullness and other skin problems
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限量版粉色玫瑰为玻尿酸保湿补水面膜,胶原蛋白,蜂皇浆 三合一效果
1片足々33g美容液成分配合×3片,神经酰胺、角鲨烯、スクワラン 8种氨基酸 W胶原蛋白[加水分解胶原蛋白、W透明质酸、水溶性胶原蛋白]海藻糖
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